Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More Horrors

Finished up the rules for Horror Qualities, a couple of which use some new mechanics I might do more with if they turn out well in play, or might expunge if they seem unnecessary. The qualities look ok for a first draft, but they're going to need some thorough playtesting.

Also wrote the initial version of rules for Horror weaknesses, which can manifest in a nice variety of ways. Being vulnerable to a specific substance is a type of weakness, for example, but so is not being able to leave your slimy, noisome pit, and having your heart on the outside of your body for pesky heroes to menace. Each weakness is abolute, too. If a hero can work out a way to leverage them, it's well worth it.

Here's some quick Done and To Do lists for the current draft:-

Hero Creation
Challenge Rules
Conflict Rules
Fortune Rules
Adventure building (step-by-step, plus Adversary, Places, and Treasures lists)
Horror rules and qualities
Mortality Rules

More hero tricks!
"How to build..." guides for Horrors, Adversaries, and Treasures.
New Adversaries rules
Treasure rules
Gear rules
Tinker with Glory to incorporate Adversity as well as Fortune
Advice on writing your own Age
GM advice



Anonymous said...

What's a Plight?

I don't remember those from the first palytest.


Chris Gardiner said...

A post! Quick! Catch it!

Plights are the in-media res situations that heroes are in at the start of play. Like "locked in the brig of a pirate ship" or "shipwrecked on a desert island".

I don't think I was calling them Plights back then, actually.